A. How to Play?

<aside> 💡 When you join the Planet League, you may initially be drawn in the Qualifiers.  The qualifiers is used to be able to gauge your skill levels so that you are eventually assigned to the appropriate tier once you start competing in the league. The workflow is similar to what is detailed below.


To start a game:

Once you get to 'Home', you will see the 'Kick Off' button at the bottom right of your screen.  If the button is greyed out, it means that the current season has not yet started, or there is a time restriction set in your country of play.  We will publish the available times on our website, social media & discord channel, so please keep checking when the gameplay is open!

If the 'Kick Off' button is active, click to find an opponent.  The PLX amount required for the game based on the league you are playing in will next be displayed for your acceptance.

Our system will randomly match you up with other players in your country of origin (or, if you have already qualified into the league, it will show you players from your respective league) and display their details.

While looking for opponents or while on the app, you might receive a pop-up message informing you that others are looking for opponents. Clicking on ‘kick-off’ will allow you to matchup with them.

From the point an 'invite' is sent/received, there is a timer countdown displayed for the opponent to accept the invitation.  If the player declines, or does not respond before the countdown ends, the 'invite' lapses and you can look for another available opponent.

Once both player accept the invitation, there is a toss to decide who is to play home and away.

<aside> ⚠️ Please ensure that you give all necessary permissions for the app to function smoothly. For iPhone users, you will additionally need to make sure that the ‘Portrait Orientation’ lock is not on.


<aside> ✅ If you are drawn home:


On your console:  you will need to now send your opponent (using the PSN ID displayed on the Planet League app) a 'friend request' from the PlayStation® .  Once they have accepted the request, you can then go to the menu of the game you are playing and invite them to a game as per the rules (eg. if you are playing FIFA '22 online friendlies mode, select 'Online Friendlies' from the FIFA '22 menu.  You will then need to start a "New Friendly Season' and from the available list of your friends, send an invite from FIFA '22 to your opponent with the correct game settings).

This needs to be completed within the time available to you as displayed on the Planet League timer countdown.  Once done, click on 'Kick Off' from the Planet League app.  You will now be shown a countdown for the away player to complete their task!

<aside> ✅ If you are drawn away,


On your console:  you should receive a friend request from your opponent.  Accept this request.  With your game launched, the friend request should be followed by a 'Match Invite'.

Once accepted, the 'Match Preview' screen of the game you are about to play is launched.  This may differ depending on the game you are playing, necessary instructions will be displayed on the app to help you identify this  screen.

On the Planet League app: to confirm that the match is set up as per the rules of the game, and with the correct opponent, you will need to submit an image of the 'Match Preview' screen within the timer limit that is now counting down.  Follow the prompt on the app and once sent you are done! e.g. in FIFA ‘22 the ‘Match Preview’ screen looks something like this:


Once both players have reached the "League Game, Live!" screen on the Planet League app, you can start your game on your console.

Your next timer countdown has now begun!  This countdown is the duration before which both players need to 'Report Score'.  If during your game, you need to call on the 'Referee' to 'Request Mutual Quit', 'Report Disconnection' or 'Report Other Issue', click on the 'Referee' icon during the game.  Please refer 'Section B' for using this feature.